
We are always honest and transparent to our customers and all project stakeholders, and we are performing our works in the right way.

ISO 9001 is used as an important tool for the continuous assurance and development of Oytaş-Yıldız İnşaat Quality Management System. According to legal conditions and changing world standards, we provide quality products and services to all our customers in the most favorable conditions and in the desired time.

In our view, the key to success is to provide services to meet customer needs at all times. This is only possible with a form of management that adopts quality criteria as a system that nourishes efficiency.

Based on this approach, the processes required for the Quality Management System are divided into three groups.


  • Customer Focused(Product Realization)Processes

They constitute the reason for the existence of Oytaş-Yıldız İnşaat. These processes directly create added value by converting inputs into products and sevices, such as Order Management, Production Management, Design and Development Maps.


  • Support Processes

These are processes such as Purchasing, Quality Control, Training Sufficiency and Maintenance and Repair Map that are needed to bring operability to product realization processes and provide resources continuously and efficiently under the most appropriate conditions.


  • Management Processes

These are the processes that enable product realization and support processes to work in line with Oytaş-Yıldız İnşaat's goals and strategies.